Treasure Hunt Among the Vineyards


Exciting adventure among the vineyards can start now! Teams ETC Adriatic and hotel Mond from Šentilj, have joined their forces in attempt to make a unique Styrian wine themed team building. 

The goal of this new team building is to experience the local wine couture in a fun and active way and to upgrade the usual business offer of the new designer hotel Mond. The challenges for the teams are starting already in the hotel vineyard, where the participants are challenged to build a wind rattle, with help in form of instructions written on a tablet. When they are finished with the challenge, the team gets the directions and instructions for the next task. The organizers have connected the local infrastructure of the wine road in the unique team building program, with amazing views of Styrian vineyards included. After completing all of the given tasks the participants are rewarded with a wine tasting in one of the local cellars. According to the participant’s opinions and the popularity of the program, the goal of upgrading the offer of wine themed business packages was successfully achieved.