The General Annual Assembly of the Slovenian Convention Bureau which was held for the 15th time, brought together over eighty stakeholders and two international lectures.
The 15th General Meeting and Assembly of the Slovenian Convention Bureau (SCB), hosted by the Postojna Cave, took place on Tuesday, 12th March, at the Hotel Jama in Postojna, nested in the beautiful scenery of the Karst plateau Nanos. The main theme of the meeting attended by an enviable number of hundred participants were the trends, opportunities and threats in meeting and event industry.
Welcome speeches were given by Miha Kovačič, Director of the Slovenian Convention Bureau, Marjan Batagelj, CEO of company Postojnska Jama, Karen Novarlič, Head of Business Communication Department at the Slovenian Tourist Board and Matjaž Žnidaršič, the President of the bureau council.
After the welcome speeches, the keynote speakers, Jurriaen Sleijster, President and COO of MCI Group from Switzerland, and Patrick Delaney, Managing Partner of SoolNua from Ireland, impressed the attendees with separate lectures on trends in business industry. Sleijster focused on macro trends with a lecture titled Headwinds or tailwinds? 5 big trends that will re-define how the business world evolves over the next 5 years, while Delaney’s focal point of the lecture were 5 trends impacting business events. The interesting thematic section was perfectly rounded by an interactive workshop, where each of the formed 10 groups had to find one opportunity in the selected trend which was presented and evaluated by the competing groups. The presentations were then presented and rated by the lecturers.
Workshop was followed by a formal part with an election of the new SCB Council Member. Natalija Bah Čad, Project Manager at Toleranca Marketing is the new Council Member of Slovenian Convention Bureau. Bah Čad has more than twenty years of experience in the field of PCO business and was one of the founding organizers of Conventa and an indispensable part of the organizing team ever since.
Current members of the Council of the SCB board are: BAH ČAD Natalija, Toleranca Marketing, BOŽIČ Ana, Dekon Slovenija, BRODNJAK Tine, Best Western Premier Hotel Lovec, KRUŠIČ Tomaž, Intours DMC, NOVARLIČ Karmen, Slovenska turistična organizacija, PEČOVNIK Breda, Cankarjev dom, STUŠEK Petra, Turizem Ljubljana and ŽNIDARŠIČ Matjaž, Sava Turizem (President of the SCB Council of the SCB Board).
In the last part of the meeting, Kovačič presented the SCB’s activities for the year 2018 and the activities of the work program for the year 2019, also Kovačič introduced the SCB’s Strategy for Business events 2019 – 2021. After the Q&As the SCB certificates, the SCB standards in the meetings industry, have been handed out to various meetings providers. At this point, the meeting was formally concluded, while some of the participants attended the evening gathering that provided networking among the stakeholders as well as the time for welcome celebration for the SCB’s new advisory member.
Sincere congratulations to Natalija Bah Čad for her new position and a big “hvala” to our spirited host Hotel Jama, the amazing speakers and all appreciated members who attended the event.