October is truly wine coloured month in Ljubljana, specifically at the GR – Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre officially marked also with the 52nd Wine Fair.
The competition is known as one of the oldest in the world. This year, the world wine champions are coming from Macedonia, Slovakia and Slovenia. The event welcomed over 40 tasters from 14 countries with 412 samples from 21 countries and once again, Slovenian wines ranked among the best.
“Each year, Slovenian wines increasingly confirm that they are the protagonists of the entire world wine scenario. I strongly recommend all wine lovers to visit this beautiful country and taste its excellent wines!” said Guido Baldeschi, the representative of OIV (International Organisation of Vine and Wine).
The official declaration of wine awards took place in the renovated Gallery Hall at GR – Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre which was already before the renovation an attractive hall with glass walls that offered a possibility of dimming. With the whole renovation the Gallery Hall can now be divided with soundproof walls in more halls and all together GR – Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre offers now 23 multifunctional halls.
Yesterday’s ceremony also officially introduced the 52nd Wine Fair which is happening next week, on 20th and 21st October 2016 and already for third year brings together wine lovers and experts, wine growers and other eminent guests with main goal to inform about the culture of wine drinking. The event involves degustation of wines, presentation of wine makers and wine consortium from Slovenia and abroad, rich culinary offer, cooking shows and a bunch of accompanying events, like 1st Slovenian drink mixing competition – “Premium Cocktail SLO 2016”, 2nd Symposium of Slovenian Liquors, Boutique Slovenian Cooking contest – “Wine on the plate” and also many workshops and lectures.
Kongres Magazine