Not just a poem but this year a spring has been brought to Cankarjev dom by national conventions and meetings with a wide range of topics from education to medicine. If the events in January and February were mostly implemented from a distance and online, face-to-face meetings started in full swing in March and April so as to compensate for the gap created by the pandemic. Among these icebreakers were the 25th Slovenian Family Medicine Days, the 5th Slovenian Neurological Congress and the Big Architecture. In May 2022, the ICCA Venues International Business Workshop was held there.
Among all the events that take place at Cankarjev dom – Slovenia’s main cultural and congress centre – we would like to draw your attention to the World Bee Day, which is celebrated on 20 May.
As the pioneer of urban beekeeping in Slovenia, Cankarjev dom joins the celebrations of the 5th World Bee Day with a display a 100-fold magnified (from 1,7 cm to 170 cm in length) model of the native Carniolan Honeybee thrilling the audiences at the Slovenian Pavilion at Expo2020 in Dubai. Few people know that this bee is the second most widespread bee species in the world. A model comes with a digital explanation and educational mission. On this occasion, a visit to the roof of the Cankarjev dom will also be organised.
CD’s main purpose in organising special events and celebrating the World Bee Day is to raise awareness of the importance of bees and other pollinators for humanity, food security, global hunger, environmental protection, and biodiversity. Bees are pollinators of most plants and an important link in the natural balance and existence of life on Earth.
This is also an opportunity to transfer the rich Slovenian knowledge and technology of beekeeping and to consolidate Slovenia’s reputation as a green, healthy, proactive, and innovative country at the global level.
Welcome to Slovenia’s main conference centre – welcome to Cankarjev dom!