The 6th Slovene Drug Addiction Treatment Conference, held between 28 in 29 March, 2018, in Cankarjev dom Cultural and Congress Centre (CD), stemmed from 20 years of traditional meetings that have been organised by SEEAnet (South Eastern European and Adriatic Addiction Treatment Network). The Conference’s aim is to present the achievements and problems in the area of preventing, dealing with, treating and reducing the harm of all kinds of addictions.
Andrej Kastelic, MD, PhD, the President of the SEEA net – Network programs dealing with addiction & the organizer of the conference: “In recent years we have annually organized conferences and consultations where we presented the latest developments in the field of addiction and tried to prepare for the anticipated changes. Every other year we also organize a symposium, together with specialists in the treatment of hepatitis C, on the treatment of the disease among people who use drugs. As usually, we will host some of the most well-known international experts, to talk about some aspects of “non-chemical/process” addiction, re-treatment of persons who are taking new psychoactive substances and drugs for increasing our productivity, gaming and its addiction, and present their achievements and plans for the prevention and treatment of all types of addiction.”
This year’s Conference dealt with strategis and practices for lessening the mortality among people who take psychoactive substances, particularly opioids – either prescribed or purchased on the black market. The Conference focused also on the possibilities of reducing the addictions based in use of psychotropics and painkillers. In addition, different programmes of communal field work, addiction programmes including therapeutic groups were presented, while paths for a better accessibility of the hepatitis C treatment was sought for.