Slovenian Convention Bureau with partners for the first time named and awarded honorary titles of the Slovenian Ambassadors Program.
On 14th November 2019, the first Congress Ambassadors of Slovenia were awarded their honorary titles at the Ljubljana Castle. Twenty-five awarded individuals included doctors, scientists, professors, researchers and other experts in various fields who have contributed to the internationalization of Slovenia on the meetings industry’s stage. Slovenian Ambassadors Program was this year launched by the Slovenian Convention Bureau in collaboration with the Slovenian Tourist Board, the Ljubljana Convention Bureau at Ljubljana Tourism, and sixteen joining partners. The program is intended to acknowledge and honour the individuals able to successfully host many international congresses and other business events in Slovenia.
Condition for being nominated into the title of the Congress Ambassador of Slovenia 2019 was an organisation of scientific-professional or business event with a minimum of 100 attendees and at least a half international participation. Into account were taken the events that took place in the period between 2014 and 2018. Priority went to events of regional, European, and international or global associations that have brought to Slovenia as large international participation as possible or were of exceptional international importance.
THE FIRST CONGRESS AMBASSADORS OF SLOVENIA 2019 ARE (in an alphabetical order of their last names):
Prof. Ph.D., Marko Anderluh, M.Sc. Pharm., University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Pharmacy
Monika Ažman, BSc, Nurses and Midwives Association of Slovenia – Association of Professional Associations of Nurses, Midwives and Health Technicians of Slovenia (Chamber – Union)
Prof. Ph.D., Marija Bešter-Rogač, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
Andrej Bibič, Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning
Ass. Prof. Ph.D., Alenka Fikfak, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Architecture
Peter Grk, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia
Prof. Ph.D., Marko Hawlina, M.D. spec. opthalmologist, University Medical Centre Ljubljana, Eye Hospital
Prof. Ph.D., Sandi Klavžar, University of Maribor, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics and University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Prof. Ph.D., Radko Komadina, M.D., President of the Slovenian Medical Association
Prof. Ph.D., Janez Kovač, Jožef Stefan Institute / Slovenian Society for Vacuum Technique
Assoc. Prof. Ph.D., Samo Kropivnik, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Sciences
Ass. Prof. Ph.D., Aleš Kuhar, University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty
Prof. Ph.D., Klavdija Kutnar, University of Primorska, Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies
Štefanija Lukič Zlobec, BsC Economy, Spominčica – Alzheimer Slovenia – Slovenian Association for Dementia Assistance
Prof. Ph.D., Mojca Matičič, M.D. spec. infectologist, University Hospital Center Ljubljana, Clinic for infectious diseases and febrile conditions
Prof. Ph.D., Nives Ogrinc, Jožef Štefan Institute
Sabina Otoničar, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Sciences
Ph.D., Rado Pišot, Science and Research Center of Koper
Prof. Ph.D., Iztok Podbregar, University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences
Assoc. Prof. Ph.D., Anja Podlesek, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts
Prof. Ph.D., Danica Purg, IEDC-Bled Business School
Prof. Ph.D., Maja Rupnik, National Laboratory of Health, Environment and Food (NLZOH)
Assoc. Prof. Ph.D., Vasilka Sancin, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Law
Prof. Ph.D., Nataša Tul-Mandić, Maternity Hospital Postojna
Prof. Ph.D., Tatjana Welzer Družovec, University of Maribor, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science (FERI), Institute of Informatics
The Slovenian Ambassadors Program is of considerable importance for Slovenia’s greater success in the field of internationalization of science, science, business and sports. »We want to establish a platform of Slovenian Congress Ambassadors covering various fields that work closely with the Slovenian Convention Bureau and the individual destination bureaus as only with an active and creative cooperation we can be successful on the competitive international market,« emphasizes Miha Kovačič, director of the Slovenian Convention Bureau the reasons for the launch of the programme.
The main event of the Slovenain Ambassadors Program, where the honorary titles of the first Congress Ambassadors of Slovenia 2019 were awarded, took place yesterday evening, 14 November 2019, at Ljubljana Castle. Honorary patronage of the event was held by Borut Pahor, the President of the Republic of Slovenia.
Kongres Magazine for the Slovenian Convention Bureau