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Kongresnem uradu Slovenije

Osrednja kontaktna točka za organizatorje dogodkov, ki iščejo nepristranske informacije in nasvete na vseh področjih organiziranja dogodkov v Sloveniji.

Kdo smo

Kongresni urad Slovenije je bil ustanovljen leta 2004 z namenom promocije Slovenije kot kongresne destinacij, pridobivanja mednarodnih kongresov in profesionalizacije kongresne dejavnosti.

Kako delujemo

Urad deluje kot profesionalni posrednik med organizatorji kongresov, srečanj in dogodkov ter ponudniki storitev in podpornimi organizacijami, katerim skupni cilj je najti čim bolj ustrezno rešitev za izvedbo dogodka.

Zakaj to počnemo

Zagovarjamo pristnost, raznolikost in trajnost. Kongresni urad je neprofitna organizacija, ki zainteresirani javnosti nudi brezplačne informacije o destinacijah, krajih dogodkov in ponudnikih storitev.

Izkusite energijo Slovenije

Srečanja in dogodki v Sloveniji so brez stresa

Kot neodvisni vodič vam lahko brezplačno pomagamo pri vašem naslednjem dogodku. Potrebujete pomoč pri iskanju idealnega prizorišča, iščete najprimernejše partnerje, želite posredovati prošnjo za ponudbo?


Key trends in the corporate meetings and incentive travel sector for 2025

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Rimske Terme as the venue for a prestigious event marking Slovenia’s ESA Membership

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Rimske Terme kot prizorišče prestižnega dogodka obeležitve članstva Slovenije v ESA

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Maribor crowned European Green Capital for 2025

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Building meaningful connections with MeetPoint’s networking app

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All your questions about organising events in Slovenia answered

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Why Choose Slovenia


Slovenia is the only country that bares the word LOVE at the heart of its name, and you will find falling in love with Slovenia a very easy thing to do!


Slovenia is situated right at the crossroads of Europe and can be accessed from every direction by air, road and rail.


With a population of just over two million, Slovenia is a very safe country – wherever you may be, either by day or even in the cities late at night, you will never have any cause for concern.


Slovenia is diverse, whilst at the same time also compact – its handy-size compactness allows meeting planners to create a fully diversified programme all within a single destination.


Slovenians are friendly and hard-working people, the great majority of whom speak English as well as a number of other languages.


You can truly rely on your partners in Slovenia. They are extremely professional in all aspects of their work.


Slovenia is a country that has fully and enthusiastically embraced the idea of ‘Green Meetings’. It is a land of water and of biodiversity – Slovenia is one of Europe’s richest countries in terms of the volume of river water per capita.


Slovenia is green and full of positive surprises; it is the third most forested country in Europe more than one third of Slovenian’s land mass is included in Europe’s Natura 2000 network, whose protected areas maintain the biodiversity of Europe.

#sloveniameetings Stories

Get inspired by #sloveniameetings stories, no matter whether you're looking for new destinations and fresh ideas or you are a travelling enthusiast, or an expert planning a convention, conference, congress, incentive or some other meeting in Slovenia.

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    What we do

    We connect members

    Slovenian Convention Bureau unites over 60 certified and standardised providers of meetings services located throughout the country.

    We find venues

    Professional associations, societies and businesses who want to organize events can turn to Slovenian Convention Bureau for help and information.

    We provide local support

    We are the central point of contact for meeting planners seeking objective information and advice on all aspects of organising an event in Slovenia.

    We are your intermediary

    We will help you chose and connect with the best local business partners for co-operation with your event and forward your request for proposal.

    What you can do

    Experience Slovenia

    Slovenia has a number of different faces. Time and time again, it will astound you with its landscape being so varied. Moreover, all key locations, meeting venues and hotels are reachable within an hour's drive.

    Organise a meeting

    We provide information and advice on all aspects of organising an event in Slovenia, from destinations and venues to local PCO’s, DMC’s, incentive providers and event agencies.

    Organise an incentive

    It can be said that when organising a programme in Slovenia, the sky is the limit, therefore we are here to help you chose the right incentive programme for you and your group.

    Find a local supplier

    The Slovenian Convention Bureau is your local meeting guide, uniting over 60 certified and standardised providers of meetings services located throughout the country.