Conventa 2017, Tina Ramujkic

Conventa Simply Rocks – 9 Years of Great Results

From 18 to 19 January 2017, Slovenia and Ljubljana hosted the 9th Conventa, New Europe exhibition for meetings, events and incentives. The success of...

Incredibly Charming Maribor in Summer Colours

Summer months breathe a unique vibe into outdoor meetings & events with their fresh and lively atmosphere. Maribor is one of the major players when...

Who is the Real MICE Mastermind at IMEX?

“Slovenian Convention Bureau celebrates 25 years of Nationhood with fun and games at IMEX 2016” 25 years ago this year Slovenia became the first of...

Ljubljana’s congress highlights for 2015

Ljubljana will be hosting several major regional, European and international association congresses this year. We present you the list of largest events of 2015. Last...

Slovenija na poslovni borzi IMEX v Frankfurtu

Slovenija se je med 15. in 17. majem predstavila na borzi IMEX Frankfurt. IMEX – The Worldwide Exhibition for Incentive Travel, Meetings and Events je eden...

11. letna skupščina Zavod-Kongresnoturistični urad

Kongresni urad Slovenije bo svojo 11. skupščino izvedel v mesecu marcu. Datum srečanja vam bom sporočen naknadno. Že sedaj se veselimo srečanja in druženja.

Ljubljana Convention and Event Calendar 2016

In 2016, Ljubljana will be hosting several major regional, European and international events. Welcome to search the Ljubljana convention and event schedule and learn more...
Panorama of Ljubljana, Slovenia, Europe.

What Awaits Congress Ljubljana in 2016

Lace makers, researchers, engineers, teachers, students, doctors and entrepreneurs from all over the world will be co-creating Ljubljana’s meetings industry scene in 2016. They...

Slovenian Energy at IMEX in Frankfurt 2016

Meet with the Slovenia Convention Bureau and its partners and savour a scoop of the world’s best ice cream from 19 to 21 April 2016...
PIRAN_PIRAN_Lighthouse_with_Punt a_©Barbara Kožar_3672_orig-2

Študijski obisk Slovenije za tuje potencialne kliente

Kongresni urad Slovenije bo tudi letošnje leto v sodelovanju s Slovensko turistično organizacijo, izbranim tehničnim organizatorjem Intours DMC in slovenskimi partnerji, med 30. junijem. in...