Z Brnika v poletni sezoni kar 22 letalskih prevoznikov na 25...

Mrežo letov z ljubljanskega letališča bo to poletno sezono zagotavljalo kar 22 rednih letalskih prevoznikov, največ doslej. Ponujali bodo 25 letalskih povezav po celi...

22 airlines on 25 regular routes from Ljubljana Airport in the...

A network of flights from Ljubljana Airport will be provided by as many as 22 regular airlines this summer season, the most so far....

Dnevni turistični utrip Slovenije

Statistični urad RS (SURS) je danes zagnal novo interaktivno orodje Dnevni turistični utrip Slovenije. Na skupni novinarski konferenci SURS in Slovenske turistične organizacije (STO)...

Daily Tourist Pulse: An interactive tool for Slovenia’s tourism data

The Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (SURS) unveiled its latest innovation today: the Daily Tourist Pulse of Slovenia, which offers dynamic presentation...

Unveiling the Piran Sea Oasis

The Piran Marine Oasis project has been launched to study the possibility of developing an innovative and sustainable multi-trophic mariculture, which will also provide...

Slovenian Convention Bureau presents ambitious plan for 2024 on the occasion...

The Slovenian Convention Bureau unveils an ambitious plan for 2024, focusing on innovation and strengthening the Slovenia Meetings community. While maintaining its core activities,...
Photo: Marko Delbello Ocepek

The first tool for measuring events’ sustainability rating unveiled at Conventa...

After more than a year of development, Toleranca marketing and Arctur rolled out an innovative tool for creating sustainability ratings of events and certifying...

The Golden City Gate Awards: celebrating Slovenia’s tourism excellence

In a celebration of creativity and innovation within the tourism industry, the Golden City Gate Awards ceremony unfolded this morning. Slovenian Tourist Board (STB)...

20 let delovanja Kongresnega urada Slovenije: Predstavljamo ambiciozen načrt za leto...

Kongresni urad Slovenije razkriva ambiciozen načrt za leto 2024 s poudarkom na inovacijah in krepitvi industrije srečanj. Ob ohranjanju osnovnih dejavnosti je predvidenih več...
Photo: Marko Delbello Ocepek

Slovenia hosted the first regional decision-makers forum in the meetings industry

The Slovenian Convention Bureau and the Slovenian Ministry of Economy, Tourism and Sports organised the nascent decision-makers forum for the regional meetings industry on...