Nearby the city of Ljubljana, a high mountain plateau offers an incentive of pure fun and joyful adrenaline. The unspoilt nature of Velika planina leads visitors to a forgotten time of peace and relaxation.
Well, that’s how usually the stories about Velika planina start. However, this is not how the description of Velika planina and its impact on the visitors starts when the night sledding is in question. Certainly, the night sledding is not an activity of peace and relaxation, but rather an activity full of loud laughter, screaming and pure adrenaline fun.
Velika planina (in English literally meaning The Big Pasture), the high mountain plateau in the heart of the Kamnik-Savinja Alps, stands in its magic as one of the most beautiful pastures in Europe combined with one of Europe’s few surviving high mountain herdsmen’s villages. Your incentive guests get a rare opportunity to sled past silhouettes of snowy roofs high above Slovenian valleys under clear winter night skies.
A must-experience incentive for those who like snow and adrenaline, takes participants on a 2km trail from the top of Velika planina. The attendees will be blown away! But of course, not by the wind, but rather by the 5-rounds of fun and good company! To make the experience even sparklier, the sledding trail is illuminated with electric lights. For those who still do not get warmed up enough by the fun activity, a hot tea is on hand.
The trip includes five night rides with a sled on a steep snow-covered sledding trail and the return transfer to Ljubljana. Hurry up, the night sledding incentive is available until the end of February every Friday, Saturday and Sunday at 5pm. And remind your guests beforehand to wear warm clothes, winter footwear, and recommend them to bring spare dry clotheswith them as well. For additional fun, you can offer for your incentive guests another rare opportunity – they can wear snowshoes.
Kongres Magazine, photo: Tourism Ljubljana, Luka Esenko