Almost 658,000 tourist overnight stays and more than 280,000 arrivals were recorded in December 2017, which is 10% more overnight stays and 11% more arrivals than in December 2016. An increase was recorded in both arrivals and overnight stays of foreign and domestic tourists.
More foreign and domestic tourists
In December 2017, more than 280,000 tourist arrivals were recorded, 11% more than in December 2016, and almost 658,000 overnight stays, 10% more than in December 2016. Foreign tourists generated almost 184,000 arrivals, which is a 14% increase compared to December 2016, and almost 400,000 overnight stays, which is a 15% increase compared to December 2016. Domestic tourists generated almost 97,000 arrivals or 6% more than in December 2016 and almost 258,000 overnight stays or 3% more than in December 2016. Foreign tourists generated over 60% of all overnight stays in December.
Italian tourists generated more than a third of all foreign tourist overnight stays
Key markets, from which the most foreign tourists who generated the most overnight stays in Slovenia came, were Italy (more than 136,000 or 34%), Austria (12%), Croatia (9%), Germany (5%), Serbia (5%) and the United Kingdom (3%).
In December 2017 tourists from the following key markets generated more overnight stays than in December 2016: Serbia (+34%), Croatia (+25%), the United Kingdom (+23%), Italy (+13%) and Austria (+7%). Tourists from Germany on the other hand generated fewer overnight stays (−10%).
The most overnight stays in December in hotels
In December 2017, almost 487,000 or 74% of all tourist overnight stays were recorded in hotels, 6% in apartment settlements, 5% in private accommodations – rented rooms and dwellings, 4% in camping sites, 3% in company vacation facilities and vacation facilities for youth, and 3% in youth hostels.
Compared to December 2016 the number of overnight stays decreased only in company vacation facilities and vacation facilities for youth (by 8%). All other types of accommodations registered more overnight stays: private accommodations – rented rooms and dwellings by 20%, youth hostels by 11%, hotels by 11%, apartment settlements by 4% and camping sites by 4%.
Health (spa) resorts very popular in December 2017, too
In December 2017, the highest number of tourist overnight stays (36% or more than 234,000) was recorded in health (spa) resorts, followed by mountain resorts (21%), municipality Ljubljana (15%) and seaside resorts (13%).
The number of tourist overnight stays increased in all types of tourist resorts compared to December 2016: in mountain resorts by 17%, in municipality Ljubljana by 13%, in health (spa) resorts by 6% and in seaside resorts by 1%.
Almost 12 million tourist overnight stays in 2017
In 2017, 4.7 million tourist arrivals and almost 12 million overnight stays were recorded in tourist accommodations in Slovenia, which is 13% more arrivals and 11% more overnight stays than in 2016.
Foreign tourists generated almost 8.1 million overnight stays (or 67% of all overnight stays), 15% more than in the previous year, and more than 3.4 million arrivals, 17% more than in the previous year. Domestic tourists generated more than 3.9 million overnight stays, 4% more than in the previous year, and more than 1.3 million arrivals, 6% more than in the previous year.
More data in the SI-STAT Database
More detailed provisional monthly data on accommodation capacities and tourist arrivals and overnight stays by municipalities and tourist arrivals and overnight stays by countries are published in the SI-STAT Database.
SURS, photo: STB, Nea Culpa