The second Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the EU has come to a close. On this occassion, highights of the Presidency have been brought to the spotlight, among them also the press trip co-organised by Slovenian Tourist Board.
The Presidency can be seen as a mosaic of people, teams, events and individual unforgettable moments. On the occassion of the Presidency coming to an end, the organising team has put together the most memorable moments, among them the opening ceremony, where the premiere of The Water Man took place on a floating ballet stage attached to the island in the middle of Lake Bled and a press trip, for which the Government Communication Office of Slovenia, the Slovenian Tourist Board and the Vipava local tourism organisation along with tourism providers in Vipava joined forces and organized an unforgettable day of 5* sustainably oriented activities, which highlighted Slovenia as an example of an exceptional sustainably oriented tourist destination.
Read more about the highlights of the Slovenian presidency on the official page of the Slovenian Presidency.