Announcement: A new director of the Slovenian Convention Bureau appointed

The Slovenian Convention Bureau is pleased to announce the appointment of Ms. Tadeja Pivc Coudyser as our new Director from the 1st September 2021. The...

RFP-ji, prejeta povpraševanja

KUS je v mesecu maju prejel 6 povpraševanj. Le ta smo dobili na poslovni borzi IMEX v Frankfurtu. Le ta so bila od...
Bled castle, Slovenia 2014

Načrtovane marketinške aktivnosti

Priprave na študijski obisk Slovenije “Best of Slovenia” v juliju v polnem zagonu Kongresni urad Slovenije bo tudi letošnje leto v sodelovanju z javno agencijo...

This is a blockquote post

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem...

Predstavitev mark. aktivnosti KUS 2016

Povezava do predstavitve marketinških aktivnosti Kongresnega urada Slovenije v 2016 KUS, pregled aktivnosti 2016

TATJANA RADOVIČ: Success can be reaped through regional coopetition

TATJANA RADOVIČ, Ljubljana Convention Bureau "What sets Ljubljana apart from the others is its compact size, which is extremely convenient for organising events that practically...

Uspešno izveden program dela 2022

Kongresni urad Slovenije v okviru strateškega partnerstva s Slovensko turistično organizacijo že vrsto let aktivno izvaja promocijo Slovenije kot destinacije za organizacijo raznovrstnih srečanj,...

New Hotel Opening in Alpine Slovenia

At the end of February, the luxurious Villa Planinka in Jezersko will welcome the first guests. Surrounded by four energy points discovered in its...

Where the Whole World Meets

UNESCO and the Government of Slovenia, in cooperation with the Commonwealth of Learning (COL), and with support from the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation,...
Bohinj Lake,, Tomo Jesenicnik

Slovenia Among the Top 25 Prosperous Countries in the World

The Legatum Institute, a London based research institute released on Thursday its 10th annual global Prosperity Index, a huge survey that ranks the most prosperous countries in...