Cankarjev dom, IAPCO 2024, Marko Delbello Ocepek

Cankarjev dom: Ne sledi, bodi tok!

Letno srečanje in generalna skupščina Mednarodnega združenja profesionalnih organizatorjev kongresov (IAPCO) nista zgolj dogodek – sta izjemna priložnost za lokalne gostitelje, prav tako pa...
Cankarjev dom, IAPCO 2024, Marko Delbello Ocepek

Cankarjev dom: Don’t Follow, Be the Flow!

The annual meeting and general assembly of the International Association of Professional Congress Organisers (IAPCO) is not just an event—it's an exceptional opportunity laden...

Gospodarsko razstavišče še korak bližje k zeleni transformaciji

Nove solarne celice na strehi prizorišča zaznamujejo pomemben mejnik na trajnostni poti GR-ja Trajnostna transformacija je ključna za preobrazbo in razvoj industrije srečanj. Prizorišča dogodkov...

Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre takes further sustainable steps

The venue’s new solar cells mark a milestone for the venue and its sustainable transformation Sustainable transformation is pivotal for fostering the development of the...
Maribor, Visit Maribor, Klemen Golob

Discover Maribor – Your Next MICE Destination of Choice!

Explore Maribor, a vibrant MICE destination boasting top events like Opera Night and Festival Lent, along with unforgettable experiences such as wine highlights and...

Slovenia’s Incentive Journey with Intours DMC

#sLOVEnia with Intours DMC We warmly invite you to explore the Alpine region and Ljubljana, the charming capital of Slovenia. Nestled between the majestic Alps...

Unveiling the magic of Slovenia: KOMPAS MEET showcases the ultimate incentive...

In the field of incentive travel, where every detail matters and every experience leaves a lasting impression, Slovenia is a gem waiting to be...
Photo: Ziga Koren

GR – Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre hosted spectacular Monumental fair

More than 300 companies from 24 countries, more than 40,000 visitors and over 9,800 m2 of exhibition space - these are the impressive figures...

Dnevni turistični utrip Slovenije

Statistični urad RS (SURS) je danes zagnal novo interaktivno orodje Dnevni turistični utrip Slovenije. Na skupni novinarski konferenci SURS in Slovenske turistične organizacije (STO)...

Daily Tourist Pulse: An interactive tool for Slovenia’s tourism data

The Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (SURS) unveiled its latest innovation today: the Daily Tourist Pulse of Slovenia, which offers dynamic presentation...