Slovenija dobitnica prestižne nagrade National Geographic World Legacy

Slovenska turistična organizacija in predstavniki slovenskega turističnega gospodarstva so z letošnjo izpostavljenostjo Slovenije na vodilni mednarodni turistični borzi ITB Berlin zelo zadovoljni.  Njeno turistično...
Photo credit:, Dejan Bulut

Maribor, mesto živahne sprostitve

Maribor, slovenska štajerska prestolnica, ponuja iskrivo vzdušje za organizacijo srečanj in dogodkov, pa tudi motivacijskih doživetij. Temu med drugim botruje dejstvo, da je drugo...

19th General Meeting and Assembly of the Slovenian Convention Bureau

At the end January 2023, the Slovenian Convention Bureau conducted the 19th General Meeting and Assembly of the Slovenian Convention Bureau which brought together more...
The Most Influential Destination Representatives of 2020 by Kongres Magazine

Miha Kovačič among “The Most Influential Destination Representatives” of 2020

On 14th December 2020, the annual voting for the most influential people of New Europe concluded. The list of influencers was viewed by a...

Slovenian Convention Bureau attended Strategic Alliance events in Luxembourg and Copenhagen

The Slovenian Convention Bureau has been an active member of international professional associations for years, underscoring its dedication to the global events industry. In...

Conventa: Stičišče znanja in dobrih praks

Konec januarja bo v Ljubljani potekala jubilejna 10. poslovna borza Conventa. Praznovanje jubileja bo zaznamoval živahen program dogodkov in doživetij, spomnili pa se bomo tudi...

Ljubljana v Bruslju prevzela zeleni naziv

V torek, 9. 2. 2016 je Ljubljana na slovesnosti v Bruslju od britanskega Bristola, uradno prejela naziv evropske zelene prestolnice v tem letu. Ob...
The Conventa Crossover Conference -shutterstock_407416342

The Conventa Crossover Conference on Tourism Marketing

Conventa Crossover conference, a new international conference dedicated to the future of MICE and tourism marketing, will be held from 29 to 30 August...
Canva Pro/Pexels

New survey on the impacts of the pandemic on European Convention...

A survey of 134 convention bureaus in 33 European countries, by Dr Rob Davidson of MICE Knowledge, showed that 1 in 4 of these destination marketing...
APILAB in Slovenia

NEW: The APILAB Centre of Innovative Technologies – the House of...

The APILAB Centre of Innovative Technologies – the House of the Carniolan Bee is the first experiental story about the Carniolan Bee in Slovenia. It is...