Jungle Spirit at Conventa Crossover: Between Music, Trees, Animals and eventprofs

Conventa Crossover, the summer congress event of the year, brought together 150 MICE experts from 15 different countires in Hotel Lev on 28th and...

Renovated Ljubljana’s Cultural Hotspot

Recently renovated Švicarija in the heart of Ljubljana, was first a wooden guest house, then artists' studio, and now it turned into a special...

The Yummy Side of Ljubljana

A long-time journalist, culinary aficionado, traveller and communication consultant, Iva wears a wide and sincere smile to complement the curiosity in her eyes, not...

Objavljen javni razpis za sofinanciranje razvoja in promocije integralnih produktov turističnega...

Ministrstvo za gospodarstvo, razvoj in tehnologijo je v začetku avgusta 2017 objavilo javni razpis za sofinanciranje razvoja in promocije integralnih produktov turističnega gospodarstva. Namen javnega...

Record-Breaking Results for Slovenian Tourism

Our green, active and healthy land is on the brink of new tourist records. In June 2017, more than 1.2 million tourist overnight stays...

Ljubljana to be Linked with Trieste and Venice by Train

Six years after the only direct passenger rail service between Slovenia and Italy was discontinued, Ljubljana will get back a direct rail link with...

Miha Kovačič na čelu Kongresnega urada Slovenije tudi v prihodnjem mandatnem...

Miha Kovačič bo s 1. septembrom 2017 nadaljeval direktorsko funkcijo na čelu Kongresnega urada Slovenije četrtič zaporedoma, in sicer za mandatno obdobje 2017 – ...
Maribor, photo by Matej Vranic

New Flight Connections Between Slovenia and Dalmatia

The Belgian-Slovenian VLM Airlines officially announced the establishment of seasonal flight connections between Maribor airport and airports in Split and Dubrovnik in Croatia. Until...

V Ljubljano prihajajo najboljši hotelirji JV Evrope

Vrhunec poletja za vse predstavnike turizma in marketinga s konferenco Conventa Crossover se hitro približuje. Hotel Lev bo 28. in 29. avgusta gostil kar...

Odlični odzivi na študijski obisk Slovenije za tuje potencialne kliente

Med 29. junijem. in 3. julijem 2017 je Kongresni urad Slovenije v sodelovanju s Slovensko turistično organizacijo, podjetjem Intours DMC in destinacijskimi partnerji organiziral...