Linden Tree_Slovenia_Janez Tolar,

2016 je bilo rekordno leto za slovenski turizem

Slovenski turizem v letu 2016 beleži rekordne številke – na letni ravni smo ponovno presegli mejo 10 milijonov prenočitev. Po podatkih Statističnega urada RS...

»Power to the Meetings« at ITB Berlin 2017

Slovenia will be presented as a “Convention & Culture” partner ITB Berlin 2017 from 8th until 12th of March united under brand »I Feel...

Meet Team Slovenia at Trade Shows Worldwide

The Slovenian Convention Bureau attends major trade shows throughout the year. Find out where we'll be and make an appointment to meet Team Slovenia.  As...

Summer Fam Trip 2017: The Best of Slovenia

At the beginning of Summer 2017, the Slovenian Convention Bureau together with the Slovenian Tourist Board and Slovenian meeting providers, will organize a yearly...

Ana Roš is the World’s Best Female Chef 2017

Cooking was never the intended path for Ana Roš – especially not in the eyes of her father, a doctor, and her mother, a...
Conventa 2017, Tina Ramujkic

Conventa Simply Rocks – 9 Years of Great Results

From 18 to 19 January 2017, Slovenia and Ljubljana hosted the 9th Conventa, New Europe exhibition for meetings, events and incentives. The success of...
Kontrolna mapa za organizacijo dogodka

Učinkovita izvedba organizacije dogodkov je za podjetje bolj pomembna kot si...

Z dogodkom pomembno prispevamo k uresničitvi zadanega cilja podjetja Vsako podjetje vsaj občasno izvede dogodek – za zaposlene, stranke ali drugo zainteresirano javnost. Z dogodkom...

Ljubljana is a Champion in Sustainable Tourism

2016 was a very special year for Ljubljana, the European Green Capital 2016, awarded to the city by European Commission for having made the largest number...

10 Years of Euro in Slovenia

Ten years ago, on 1 January 2007, Slovenia introduced the Euro as the 13th EU Member State. The Euro replaced the first monetary currency...

Rekordno leto slovenskega turizma

Slovenski turizem v letu 2016 beleži ponovno rekordne številke – na letni ravni bomo ponovno presegli mejo 10 milijonov prenočitev. Po začasnih podatkih Statističnega urada...