Slovenian Convention Bureau invites you to visit their new web site

Slovenian Convention Bureau launched a brand new web site in Slovene and English language. Feel the people, taste the fresh ideas was the...

Četrto srečanje evropskih nacionalnih kongresnih uradov, Copenhagen, Danska

Direktor KUS, Miha Kovačič se je udeležil četrtega srečanja evropskih nacionalnih kongresnih uradov, ki je potekal 15. in 16. januarja v Copenhagnu. Namen povezovanja...

Conventa with yet another successful year

This January, the meetings industry was talking about Conventa, New Europe exhibition for meetings, events and incentives. The seventh edition that was held from...

Uspešen nastop na letošnji sedmi Conventi, 21 – 22. januar 2015

Conventa, poslovna borza Nove Evrope za poslovna srečanja, kongrese in motivacijska potovanja, je potekala od 21 do 22. Januarja 2015. Z novimi razsežnostmi, poslovnimi...