Tomo Čeh, General Manager of Union Hotels
Q: You have been at the helm of Ljubljana’s largest accommodation provider since last year. What has been the biggest change in the hotel industry since you began working in it?
There were many changes, but the biggest one has occurred in the digital space and the consequent increased number of tourists – I’m mainly talking about the impact and the scope of social networks and the growth and effectiveness of online booking agencies.
Q: Following your arrival, Hotel Union now seems to present a fresh and renewed image. What kind of energy do you wish to instil into Union Hotel?
I do strive towards and continuously work on surrounding ourselves with a positive, dynamic energy that does not seem to expire in this amiable atmosphere of our hotel ambiance.
Q: A successful spring conference season is now behind you and you’ve achieved great results. Can you tell us what the formula for your success is?
I see things as positive and that is my attitude to work and, especially, people. That is where the key to success lies – in a positive approach and accepting the diversity of the employees, guests and business partners.
Q: What possibilities does Slovenia have in the field of the meetings industry?
Slovenia is a jewel in the MICE segment. Small, yet large and unique in its offerings, it holds tremendous potential for growth and development in this area. We must merely bolster our connections at the national level to improve promoting it. I am convinced that we will be able to make good use of this particular advantage of Slovenia and Ljubljana.
Q: What are the realistic possibilities for a serious congress breakthrough for Slovenia, and what role do Union Hotels play?
I believe we have quite a good chance if we approach the goal together. Union hotels with the four buildings in the city centre plays an important role here – Grand Hotel Union is the largest hotel and conference centre in Ljubljana with an exceptional tradition and renown in the area of congress tourism. That is something we’re especially proud of.
Q: What is the current state of Ljubljana’s Hotels from a congress tourism perspective?
There’s plenty of room for development, mainly regarding air links. There are many possibilities and even more wishes and ideas. We only need to use and implement them in a proper manner and by working together.
Q: You are an active supporter of the Slovenian Convention Bureau and their activities. What could be improved in order to make the Bureau more successful?
I see only one option and that is to increase the bureau’s promotional budget.
Q: What are the country’s untapped tourist and congress opportunities?
We do engage and we do work on developing new products, entering new markets etc. One of the underutilised markets is Germany, which is especially close due to the favourable transport connections
Honesty and a positive outlook while accepting all and everything around me.
Q: What do you miss most after coming from the coastal Primorska region to Ljubljana?
A bit more sun, please? I think I’ve got everything else covered.
Q: What kind of wine would you recommend to your guests?
During the winter, we opened a wine library in the Grand Union Café and launched monthly wine events with the explicit purpose of allowing people to taste more wines and to taste something new. I always recommend and invite people to wine tasting events.
Q: Where do you like to travel most in your free time?
My favourite destination is Greece.[/vc_cta_button2]