Ljubljana hosted COST Integrape 2020, the second annual meeting of COST Action CA17111. The main focus of the conference was on data integration for genotype-phenotype association.
As Slovenia is known as a wine country, it is not surprising that the international event took place in its capital. The event has officially started in September of 2018 and also this year, it brought together all stakeholders in the grapevine research community (academic, industry, policymakers and consumers). They gathered in an open, international, and representative network to develop minimal data standards and good practices in order to integrate data repositories and improve interoperability between datasets. The ultimate objective is to harness and use all available data to achieve better management practices and more cost-effective breeding for improved genotypes.
The 2020 conference that took place in Slovenian capital represented a groundbreaking conference providing new data and new findings for better grape production aligned with the increasingly problematic reality of climate change. The event was supported and co-organised by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology), the National Institute of Biology, and the Cankarjev dom – CD Cultural and Congress Centre Ljubljana which worked as the meeting secretariat and registration office for the event.
Kongres Magazine