10th anniversary of the International Conference RISK 2015 held from 11th to 12th of March in Thermana Laško, Slovenia, hosted a record number of participants, exhibitors and speakers and again gathered a donation for non-profit association Red Noses at the charity auction.
This year, opening of the conference was marked by global fight against the increased activity of e-criminals and cyber attacks as well as raising public awareness of new technologies used by the bad guys and even some organized groups under the auspices of various countries. In his opening speech, g. Joshua Harris,Political, Economic and Commercial Chief at Embassy of the United States in Slovenia, highlighted the high degree of risk, which is reflected in the increased attacks on corporate and government organizations, and the latter described as the greatest threat we are facing today.
“RiSK conference 2015 was undoubtedly the largest and most visited event in the last 10 years. We are more than satisfied with the feedback and the praise of visitors and participations also by presentations and in general with all that was happening at the conference. Again, a big thank to our host, the congress center Thermana Laško, that carried out its work with excellence. The ambient of the convention center is something unique and definitely will come back next year.” added Sales Director of Real security d.o.o., Mr. David Ivačič.
More at www.thermana.si/sl/kongresi