Grand Hotel Bernardin_Human Resources Congress 2016

The Slovenian Human Resources Congress Took Place at the Grand Hotel...

Slovenian Human Resources Association in conjunction with the company Planet GV organized an annual flagship event the Slovenian Slovenian Human Resources congress which took...
Ljubljana Airport

29 Direct Destinations from Ljubljana Airport

The 2016 summer timetable enters into force on Sunday. As of 27 March 2016 passengers will be able to choose from more than 220...
BERNARDIN GROUP_Conf erence Hall Europa II

NT-konferenca v Grand hotelu Bernardin bo letos v znamenju digitalne preobrazbe

Microsoftova NT-konferenca, največji slovenski tehnološki in poslovni dogodek, bo letos v Portorožu med 16. in 18. majem 2016. V Grand hotelu Bernardin pričakujejo od...
Astria Trend Hotel Ljubljana_Fanfara Conference 2016

The Biggest Student Marketing Conference FANFARA Held at the Austria Trend...

Austria Trend Hotel Ljubljana hosted the biggest student marketing conference - 9th FANFARA on 14th of April 2016. The main goal of the 9th...
Gostinstvo Jezeršek_ praznovanje 35. obletnice

Inovativno presenečenje Gostinstva Jezeršek ob praznovanju 35. obletnice

Gostinstvo Jezeršek letos praznuje 35 let delovanja. Ob tem jubileju so pripravili velik dogodek za poslovne partnerje in prijatelje in v svojem slogu poskrbeli...
SOF 2016_Photo Ziga Intihar_Hotel Kempinski Palace Portoroz

25. SOF v Hotelu Kempinski Palace Portorož

"Samo dobre zgodbe preživijo"; je bil slogan letošnjega 25. Slovenskega oglaševalskega festivala (SOF), ki je potekal 7. in 8. aprila potekal na popolnoma novi...

Ljubljana v 15 letih postala prepoznavna destinacija v svetu

2. aprila 2016 je minilo 15 let od ustanovitve Zavoda za turizem Ljubljana, ki se je kasneje preimenoval v Turizem Ljubljana. Obletnico so proslavili...

Annual MikroTik User Meeting Conference Held at the Grand Hotel Union

From 24 to 26 February, Grand Hotel Union hosted MikroTik User Meeting (MUM) conference for European customers. More than 1.500 participants from more than...

Grand Hotel Toplice Receives the Safehotel-Star International Certification

Generating 10% of the EU’s GDP and ensuring more than nine million jobs, tourism is the most significant industry in Europe. The safety of...
aerodrom maribor

New Direct Regular Connection Between Maribor and Düsseldorf

The Slovenian airline Express Airways introduces a new flight connection on the Maribor- Düsseldorf route, starting from April 28, 2016. New regular flights are...