Photo: Jure Makovec

Best Western Premier Hotel Slon Hosted Ljubljana Fashion Week

For three days in September, the first floor of Best Western Premier Hotel Slon became one long runway for another edition of Ljubljana Fashion Week (LJFW)...

52nd Wine Fair at the GR – Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention...

October is truly wine coloured month in Ljubljana, specifically at the GR – Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre officially marked also with the 52nd Wine Fair.  The competition...
Adria Airways

Zimski vozni red Adrie Airways

V nedeljo, 30. oktobra 2016, Adria Airways prehaja na zimski vozni red. V zimski sezoni, ki traja do 26. marca 2017, Adria Airways povečuje število...

Electric Car Sharing Between Slovenian Capital and the Airport

Aerodrom Ljubljana and Avantcar opened the first electric car sharing station outside the Ljubljana area today at the Ljubljana Jože Pučnik Airport. The new...

Slovenian Legal Experts Gathered in Portorož

Days of Slovenian Lawyers, a traditional meeting which is as usual taking place in the coastal town of Portorož was held this year from...
Foto: Benjamin Schmuc

Svetovno uveljavljeni kulinarični mojstri, mnenjski voditelji, novinarji in fotografi raziskovali slovensko...

V začetku oktobra je Slovenska turistična organizacija v preteklih dneh gostila tuje svetovno uveljavljene kuharske mojstre ter skupino mnenjskih voditeljev, novinarjev in fotografov s področja...

CD Congress Centre Ljubljana – Active in the Right Way

Slovenia is an appealing and competitive congress destination. The number of meetings in Slovenia will increase shortly due to the extremely successful summer bidding...

2nd Open Education Global Conference to Take Place in Ljubljana

Slovenia is quickly becoming one of the forerunners of open educational resources (OER). OER are invaluable tools that are useful for freely-accessible teaching and learning....

Great Feedback and Impressive Numbers of the EuroGeo 2016 Conference

This year, EuroGeo Conference decided to move the venue from Istanbul to Ljubljana, due to safety reasons. The event, held at GR – Ljubljana...
Foto Zate, Tadej Bernik,

2. Svetovni kongres o prosto dostopnih izobraževalnih virih: OE Global 2017...

Slovenija postaja ena od vodilnih držav na področju odprtih virov izobraževanja (OER). OER so izredno dragocena orodja za omogočanje izobraževanja za vse, zato  Slovenija...